• Organizing Committee - EDM’2013
  • XIV Международная конференция молодых специалистов по микро/нанотехнологиям и электронным приборам
    1-5 июля, 2013 г.
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    Chairman: Sergey A. Kharitonov – Dr.Sc., Prof., Head of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, NSTU, Russia.


    Vladimir А. Gaisler – Dr.Sc., Prof., Head of the Department of Semiconductors and Microelectronics, NSTU, Russia;

    Fedor А. Kuznetsov – Dr.Sc., Academician, Head of the Laboratory of Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SB RAS, Russia;

    Igor G. Neizvestnyi – Dr.Sc., Prof., Corresponding Member RAS, Counsellor of Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Russia;

    Vladimir A.Khrustalev – Dr.Sc., Prof., Dean of the Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics, NSTU, Russia.


    Program Committee:

    Sergey V. Brovanov – Cand.Sc., Associate Prof., Head of the Center of Scientific and Technical Work of Students, NSTU, Russia;

    Svetlana V. Vorobyova– Cand.Sc., Associate Prof. of the Department Radio Engineering Systems SibSUTIS, Russia;

    Viktor A.Gridchin – Dr.Sc., Prof., Head of the Department of Semiconductors and Microelectronics, NSTU, Russia;

    Vyacheslav Ya. Zhuikov - Dr.Sc., Prof., Dean of the Faculty of Electronics of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine;

    Gennady S. Zinoviev – Dr.Sc., Prof., Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, NSTU, Russia;

    Vladimir K. Makukha – Dr.Sc., Prof., Head of the Department of Electron Devices, NSTU, Russia;

    Alexandr B. Markhasin - Dr.Sc., Prof., Head of the Department of Telecommunications Networks and Computing Facilities, SibSUTIS, Russia;

    Alexandr G.Milekhin – Dr.Sc., Prof., Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Russia;

    Evgeny I.Sokol – Dr.Sc., Prof., Pro-rector of National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ukraine;

    Evgeny V. Sypin – Cand.Sc., Associate Prof., Department of Methods and Means of Measurement and Automation of Biysk Technological Institute, Russia;

    Huawei L.Hwang – Prof., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China;

    Vladimir N.Khmelev – Dr.Sc., Prof., Rector for Scientific Work of Biysk Technological Institute, Russia;

    Natalya L. Shvarts – Cand.Sc., Head of the Group of Electronic and Microelectronic Processes Modeling Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Russia.


    Secretaries of the Conference:

    Elena V. ReshetnikovaJunior Researcher of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, NSTU, Russia;

    Alexandra I. Khristolyubova – assistant of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, NSTU, Russia.

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