The Conference makes possible the fastest and effective meet of young specialists with the latest achievements of the leading scientific schools of Russia and foreign countries, experience interchange, establishment of business and scientific communication, own achievements presentation.
Young scientists under the age of 35 years, graduate students, undergraduates, senior students.
Invited speakers
Doctors and Candidates of Science, heads of scientific groups and industrial enterprises.
Working languages
Russian and English
Conference sections
Section 1. Semiconductor Physics and Technology. Photovoltaics.
Chairman – Viktor A. Gridchin, Dr.Sc., Prof.
Section 2. Radio and Microwave Technology. Computer Science and Telecommunications.
Chairman – Svetlana V. Vorobyova, Cand.Sc., Associate Prof.
Section 3. Sonic and Ultrasonic Devices: Physics, Electronics, Application
Chairman – Vladimir N. Khmelev, Dr.Sc., Prof.
Section 4. Optoelectronic Devices and Systems: Physics, Electronics, Application
Chairman – Evgeny V. Sypin, Cand.Sc., Associate Prof.
Section 5. Power Electronics and Power Engineering
Chairman – Gennady S. Zinoviev, Dr.Sc., Prof.
Section 6. Medical Electronics
Chairman – Vladimir K. Makukha, Dr.Sc., Prof.
Section 7. Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation
Chairman – Oleg V. Nos, Dr.Sc., Associate Prof.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
IEEE Russia Siberia Section
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Biysk Technological Institute of Altai