Section 1. Semiconductor Physics and Technology. Chaiman - Prof. Viktor A.Gridchin, Dr.Sc., Head of the Department of Semiconductors and Microelectronics, NSTU, Russia
Section 2. Radio- and Telecommunications. Microwave Technology. Chairwoman - Associate Prof. Svetlana. V.Vorobyova, Cand.Sc., Department Radio Engineering Systems, SibSUTIS, Russia
Section 3. Sonic and Ultrasonic Devices: Physics, Electronics, Application. Chaiman - Prof. Vladimir N.Khmelev , Dr.Sc., Vice-rector of Scientific Work of Biysk Technological Institute, Russia
Section 4. Optoelectronic Devices and Systems: Physics, Electronics, Application. Chaiman - Associate Prof. Evgeny V.Sypin, Cand.Sc., Department of Methods and Means of Measurement and Automation of Biysk Technological Institute, Russia
Section 5. Power Electronics, Mechatronics and Automation. Chaiman - Prof. Gennady S. Zinoviev, Dr.Sc., Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, NSTU, Russia