• Instuction for Authors - EDM’2013
  • XIV Международная конференция молодых специалистов по микро/нанотехнологиям и электронным приборам
    1-5 июля, 2013 г.
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      О конференции       Итоги конференции       Участникам       Место проведения       Контакты       English  
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    To take part the conference all potential participants, including guests, must fill the online application form (http://edm.conf.nstu.ru). Authors must initially determine the section in which they report and the purpose of their report submission (only publication in EDM’2013 Proceedings or report at the conference and publication in EDM’2013 Proceedings). The request must specify the exact number of hard-copy of EDM'2013 Proceedings. 

    Deadline for applications - April 15, 2013.

    After submitting and confirmation that the application is successfully registered, the authors are invited to submit full text of their report in the English, drawn in accordance with the requirements (requirements are presented in the attached file), full text in Russian, scan-copy of completed IEEE Copyright Form (download at http://www.ieee.org/documents/ieeecopyrightform.doc) to email of the Program Committee (edm2013@bk.ru). Reports submitted to Program Committee must contain the results of original and unpublished researches, issued in the form of a scientific article. Publication volume cannot exceed 6 pages, the number of authors should not exceed 6 people.

    Deadline reports - May 1, 2013.The reports can be considered as accepted from the date of its approval by the Program Committee and the author's confirmation. After confirmation of acceptance author becomes an official participant and his paper is included in the Proceedings of EDM'2013.

    Paper should adequately convey the nature of the research. Papers that have a low academic level will be declined. The quality of the English text must meet the requirements of literacy, long expressions should be avoided and generally accepted scientific terminology should be used.

    Call for Papers

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